Meeting Room Rental Information

How do I cancel or reschedule my booking?
Meeting Room & Private Office rentals are non-refundable, however they may be rescheduled within 6-months of the originally scheduled date according to our space availablitiy. Please email us at to begin rescheduling process.

Do I receive a refund if I cancel my booking?
No refunds will be issued for cancelled bookings. When a booking is canceled 48 hours in advance, you may reschedule your meeting within 6 months of the original date. Bookings canceled less than 48 hours in advance may be rescheduled at Gather Cincy’s discretion.

Can I have a photoshoot at Gather Cincy?
Absolutely! Check out our Meeting Room Rental page to view the space options or please contact us directly to set something up -

What are Gather Cincy’s business hours?
Gather Cincy is open by appointment only, but events may be scheduled during the hours listed in our Location & Hours page here.

Is there audio provided in the space?
We have bluetooth speakers of each of our rooms on the 1st floor you are welcome to use. A microphone or additional audio is not provided but we find voices carry very well in the space naturally.

Anything I should know about setup/cleanup?
You are responsible for you own setup and cleanup, including putting garbage/recycling in the appropriate bins, washing any dishes that have been used and wiping whiteboards. Failure to leave the rented area in a clean and undamaged state will result in a cleaning fee of $150. Your setup and cleanup time must be accounted for when booking your rental time.

I’d like to feed my guests during our meeting, can I bring in outside food?
Absolutely! You are welcome to bring food into Gather Cincy, the only restriction is that there are no open flames or hotplates. We’d also be happy to help you coordinate any catering needs you may have during your rental time.

I’d love to do a happy hour with my guests, can I bring in alcohol?
Gather Cincy does not have a liquor license, so you are welcome to provide alcohol to your guests as long as you are not selling the alcohol or tickets to the event. Otherwise you will need to obtain a special event alcohol permit from the City of Cincinnati or hire a licensed bartender.

What happens if we break something in the space?
Renters agree to pay for any damages caused here at Gather Cincy, its equipment and property as a result of meetings or events.

Are there any restrictions for what events can be hosted in the space?
Gather Cincy management reserves the right to monitor all events hosted on the premises, and also reserves the right to refuse space to any group that it considers inconsistent with the purpose and policies of Gather Cincy.

Gather Cincy is a shared workspace and there may be other people using the office during the time of your rental. You agree to respect the space and the other people who may be in it. Please keep conversations to a respectable volume.