Virtual Mail - What It Is and Why You Need It

As a business owner, you've probably taken steps to increase your use of technology and leverage your virtual services. Despite all you've done, you probably know there are still two unavoidable aspects of running a business that you can't entirely avoid through technology:

  1. Determining a physical address

  2. Sending and receiving physical mail

Traditionally, if you don't have a brick and mortar location or physical office you had to use your home address for your business. A P.O. Box can certainly be helpful for receiving mail, but that's about it. If your business is an LLC, Corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability partnership, you won't be able to use a P.O. Box address to register your business with the state. This means important business and legal documents are being sent to your home, potentially getting lost in the mix of everything else you already receive and making your home address public information.

There's a better way: Virtual Mail. In the blog below, we outline the many benefits you receive with an affordable virtual mail service. If you're looking to gain efficiency with your time and add a dose of professionalism to your business, this might be right for you.

What is a Virtual Mail Service:

Virtual Mail provides your business with a physical address that can be used to receive and send mail.

Why the physical address is important:

  1. Necessary to register your business with your state

  2. Provides trust and credibility to your business. Some clients may be leery of doing business with someone who either provides no contact address or a P.O. Box number for fear that the business might disappear without a trace. A physical address removes this doubt.

  3. Adds professionalism. First impressions are everything, and people often tend to favor businesses with a professional image that don't use a home address for contact information.

  4. Helps people find you. If you'd like to register your business on Google (of course you do), you need to provide a physical location. Again, P.O. Box address won't be accepted. Having this address will help you improve your SEO and lead to more new business.

How Gather Cincy Can Help with Your Mail:

  1. We have a separate location that can receive mail for your business and keep it secure outside of your home.

  2. We offer the add-on for Gather Cincy to open your mail for you and scan it in digitally, enabling you to quickly check your mail by reading your email. Anything you don't want can be securely shredded.

  3. As a coworking space, as opposed to a mail center, Gather Cincy also has office space available to meet with clients, hold company meetings, and accomplish other tasks like printing and scanning other documents as part of some virtual mail packages.

If you’re interested in signing-up for Gather Cincy’s Virtual Mail offerings, click on the link below!